Wow, did Microsoft really need to make a 4th model of their Xbox 360? Well, whatever. What it seems happened this time is that Microsoft took notice about how Nintendo's approach to families worked so well, so they made an Xbox 360 model for families.
This one is the Xbox 360: Arcade Edition. If you're wondering how it ranks compared to the other models, this one is in between the basic and premium Xbox 360s. What it generally is, is just a basic Xbox 360 with 256MB of internal storage and an HDMI output. Oh yeah, and Pac-Man Champoinship Edition, Luxor 2, Uno, Boom Boom Rocket, and Feeding Frenzy Live Arcade games are pre-installed into the system.
The Xbox 360 Arcade is already available for purchase in stores (way to build up the hype, Microsoft :P) and will cost an MSRP of $279.99.
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