Well, we have now received more news about Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Apparently, everything that made Halo 3 a success seems to just seemingly be put into this game. I mean, it was just the other day that we found out we can take in game videos and send them to friends over WiiConnect24. And now, here's another similarity:
Remember, forge in Halo 3? Well, Nintendo now made a level designer where you can go even more mad crazy with customization. And unlike Halo 3, you can add as much as you want to a level making it as large as you want, and your only limit, is how much storage space you have on your SD card (I'll laugh if someone decides to waste an entire 4GB card on a level! :P)!
Not only can you design and skew pretty much everything possible, but you can also add your own soundtrack to it (using every track you've unlocked so far in the game). You can give it a name and a description too.
And once you have finished designing your level you can not only send it to your friends, but also to be reviewed by Nintendo! And if they like your course, they'll feature it for download amongst every Brawl owner across the globe! Except each course that is featured is deleted once the day ends, but at least you get some fresh new terrain to work on everyday!
It looks like you may need to pick up a new SD card for this game, because it looks like its gonna be a huge one. I don't exactly know how much free space the game is gonna take up on your SD card, but I myself am gonna try and find a 4GB to be on the safe side. :P
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