Well, Sony's little console that could still continues to dominate in Sony's sales. And it now appears that Sony has taken notice, by unveiling a newer, yet inexpensive model of the PlayStation 2.
This newer model called the SCPH-90000 SERIES features not only a very confusing title, but also an internal AC adapter, making the console somewhat more portable and easy to transport (with no power brick). The insides of the console was completely re-done allowing it to also have a much lighter weight and size.
The new model will be available in three different colors: "Ceramic White", "Charcoal Black", and "Satin Silver". And it will also be released with vertical stands, releasing in the same colors as the console.
The new console will become first available in Japan on November 22, 2007. And it has also been confirmed for the rest of the world at some point in 2008. In Japan, the console will cost 16,000 yen (including tax). In Europe the console will cost the same as the existing models. And the price for the United States in unknown, though rumor has it, that it will cost only $99.
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