Last night on South Park, 3 new trailers to Assassin's Creed were revealed. All of which covered the entire commercial breaks, and all of which were awesome! Though as we get closer the release, it seems that the DS version of the game, may never actually come out. :( All three of these trailers can be seen below.
Oh yeah, and it may may interest viewers to know that it was a Guitar Hero themed episode of South Park. Which I will note was pretty dang funny. Except Adam was pretty offended by the ending. Which actually just made me laugh even harder! XD!
Assassin's Creed will be released on November 13 in the US, and November 16 everywhere else on consoles (except Wii). It is unknown when the mobile version of the game will release, though it may possibly be sometime in November as well. Anyway, here's the trailers:
I'm in the middle of capturing the trailers now, since I can't seem to find them anywhere else on the internet, surprisingly. I'll make an edit to this post once they're uploaded. *sighs* Why must the internet be so lazy?
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