Thursday, January 18, 2007

Microsoft Comments on Competition

Microsoft, well Bill Gates, to be more specific recently commented how they saw themselves as far as compared to their competition.

He 1st started by saying, he wanted to swap spots with Sony and revealed his original goal in the 360s development, "We wanted to not be a year late, not be a big box, not be a more expensive box." Those goals were obviously met.

Then, he went on to talk about how he saw his competitors, Sony and Nintendo, now. Originally, Bill Gates had praised Nintendo's ideas on the Wii to a high extent, but now he seems to be changing his tune from his most recent quotes (I guess he doesn't want to be compared to any of Sony's infamous quotes).

- "Sony has always been our most direct competitor. Nintendo of course is a competitor. But look at the resolution you get with a controlled experience like that! Say to yourself, how in terms of using a game for a long period of time, what kind of accuracy and capability do you want? Look at the classic Nintendo positioning. Look at the graphics. Look at Nintendo's execution in terms of online capability. We have this thing that nobody has ever seen before. When you say to your friend, hey let's play online, you say then you have to buy an Xbox. That's what 10 million people say. If you want to play online, get an Xbox. We're not standing still."

His quotes also have seemed to reveal that Microsoft doesn't even consider Sony as a competitor anymore. To him, only Nintendo is his true competitor now. Perhaps this has something to do with him, not being able to buy-out Nintendo previously?

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