Larry Hyrb also known by many as Xbox Live's Major Nelson works for Xbox Live. You may have seen him on the Inside Xbox feed on the Xbox Live blade interviewing people and showing many things Xbox 360 has to offer in Major's Minute. He posts many things on blog including updates on the Xbox Live Marketplace, his own podcast and what everyone looks at, the status of Xbox Live every week. He reports on the top ten original Xbox games played (Halo 2 is always on top), the top ten purchased Xbox Live Arcade Games, and the top ten most played games on Xbox 360 (this also includes demos and XBLA games). As you would expect, Halo 3 has been number 1 on the list since the week it launched. Since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare launched, it has stayed a close second place followed by some popular demos, Guitar Hero, and other retail games. For the first week ever, the order changed just slightly. For the week of 1/14/2008, Call of Duty 4 for the first time ever beat Halo 3 out of its place. Halo 3 came in second followed by the usual stuff. I personally like Call of Duty's multiplayer better than Halo because of the level system and I am also better at it. I rarely get the top spot in a team slayer match in Halo but when I play a team deathmatch game in Call of Duty 4, I usually get one of the top 3 scores. I knew this would come and the guys at Infinity Ward must be throwing a wild party. Call of Duty 4 is the first game ever to beat a Halo game for the most played Xbox game of the week via Xbox Live.
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