Monday, November 12, 2007

GamersCast # 25: Touching is Good

At long last after too much editing, episode 25 of GamersCast has officially been released onto the podcast feed. Because it is second latest item on the podcast feed you may have to manually click the download or "get" button in iTunes or in your podcasting client to get this episode.

Now, why did the episode take so long to get release? We had some problems with the quality, and though it sounds dramatically better now than it did before, there is still just a bit of static. Please note, we have resolved this problem so it WILL NOT ever occur again. Also keep in mind, that the quality does get better, the farther you get into the episode.

Aside from audio quality, this is easily the best episode of GamersCast we have ever done! Here's some of the highlights from GamersCast # 25: Touching is Good:

- We respond the listener's e-mails
- Is Nintendo going to sue Apple?
- Massive Halo 3 Discussion
- Halo 3 Tournament Sign-Ups Open!
- Is Halo worth cutting school over?
- Was Halo over-hyped?
- Bungie splits from Microsoft (and reason why I didn't post about it)
- In-Depth Tokyo Game Show 2007 Analysis
- Steve has a nice Japanese accent :P
- How long does the PlayStation 2 actually have to live?
- Apple releases iPod/iPhone SDK
- Super Smash Brothers Brawl News
- Japanese import games for Wii VC
- SpongeBob has been stealing ideas from Nintendo!
- Samus VS Master Chief
- Link VS Cloud
- Intense Phantom Hourglass Discussion
- What's been changed since the Japanese version of the Phantom Hourglass?
- Dumbledore is Gay!
- Nintendo's Fall Press Conference Analysis
- Which is best form of FPS controls?

This is one episode you guys really HAVE TO listen to! It was just THAT good! Squeeze time in somehow, listen before bed, do whatever you have to, because this is GamersCast at its finest! This post will not appear on the news feed, so you newsletter subscribers are getting a look at an episode that will go down in GamersCast history. (So, now episode 8 is only 2nd best XD )

I also want to mention that based on your feedback, we have decided to have a LIVE episode of GamersCast! Right now, we're planning on having it the week before New Years, so that school wouldn't be an issue for listener's attendance. Give us as much feedback as possible on what you want to see from the live GamersCast, so we can make this event as much of a success as possible!

This is GamersCast: Video Game Podcasting

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