In a previous post, I mentioned that Super Smash Brothers Brawl was being delayed in Japan, and rejoiced that we here in the US actually got something first!
But now, unfortunately, I have to take back every single word of it. Not only are we not getting it first in the US, but we're getting it a month after Japan does! Yes, it is true, Super Smash Brothers Brawl is being released in the USA on February 10, 2008. And what's worse is, it's likely that it could be delayed again, for two reasons. One, on the Super Smash Brothers Website, the release date has been changed to "TBA". And, they may delay it again, until after their financial year ends, so that it will look better in their sales. But if Brawl reflects the sales of Super Smash Brothers Melee at all, they may have very little to worry about and not care how it looks in the sales, thus decide not to delay it again.
Also, this means our preview of Super Smash Brothers Brawl will also be delayed as well, but it also means more info will be released about the game before its release, so the preview will have that much more content in it!
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