Since 2005, we've been here providing you with latest in video game news. And now we want to help take that coverage to the next level. You see, the coverage we give can only be as good as your source, and when you're not actually there to experience announcements first hand, getting all the latest news can be a lot harder than it sounds. So, right now we are going to try and change that.
In March, we raised nearly $1,000 in our live Ocarina of Time marathon in helping Japan recover from its horrible tsunami. Now, on May 27th we are going to do a live Marathon of Fallout 3, and we're doing this one to help us raise enough money to attend PAX Prime (otherwise known as PAX West) this Summer. PAX Prime takes place from August 26-28 in Seattle, but since we're on the East Coast, for at least Deo Gen Z and I to go is about $1,500 in expenses. So, that's our goal amount for this event.
But why should you care?
Well, not only would you get reliable first-hand news straight from PAX, but there are going to be prizes given away throughout the course of the event! Not to mention, since this is a live event, you guys will also play a hand in what choices and paths we take throughout our playthrough of Fallout 3. So, it's going to be a fun time for all!
In the event that we do not reach our goal, the money we collect, will carry over and be combined with whatever is raised during our next marathon (probably during Thanksgiving Break) to help us attend CES, next January.
Our live Fallout 3 marathon will take place on Friday, May 27th starting at 8PM (EDT), though our live chat room will open a little over an hour early from the point when we start playing. As with the Ocarina of Time event, the GamersCast Homepage will be replaced with our live stream. After the event, the entire live broadcast will be uploaded to my YouTube Channel.
More details will be announced as approach the date, and we hope to see you all there!
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