Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Launch Titles Finally Revealed

We were all disappointed when Nintendo revealed no launch titles during its 3DS event in January. It only revealed titles that will make the launch window which is sometime between launch day and June. I'm happy to say that America is getting double the amount of titles that Japan is getting and three more games than the European launch. While Kid Icarus and The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D may be out of the picture for launch, Nintendo confirmed that both of these games as well as Star Fox 64 3D and Mario Kart will make their way to Nintendo 3DS by the end of this year. And without further ado, here are your Nintendo 3DS launch titles, most or all of which will cost $39.99 (at least that's what Nintendo is pricing their games at):

Pilotwings Resort from Nintendo
Nintendogs + Cats from Nintendo
Steel Diver from Nintendo
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition from CAPCOM
The Sims 3 from EA
Madden NFL Football from EA SPORTS
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D from Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars™ from LucasArts™
RIDGE RACER 3D from NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.
Super Monkey Ball 3D from SEGA
BUST-A-MOVE UNIVERSE from Square-Enix, Inc.
Asphalt 3D from UBISOFT
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D from UBISOFT
Rayman 3D from UBISOFT
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars from UBISOFT

Stay tuned to GamersCast Podcast and the GamersCast News Feed for more updates on Nintendo 3DS as well as all your favorite video game systems.

If you would like to contact Adam Shear, the author of this article, you may do so at adam@gamerscastpodcast.com
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